Saturday, February 25, 2012

A Plan

There is something about a plan that has the ability to provoke many emotions- anticipation, excitement and maybe even hesitation.  As a momma that wears many hats, I have many plans.  Organizational plans, nutritional plans, and plans to vacation and relax!  Plans are important because they put feet to our our dreams and desires.  There are many good things to long for and dream about- but none greater than developing an ever-deepening relationship with God and daily being transformed into the person he created us to be.

My heart joyfully carries the vision to see the women on our team grow and flourish.  This vision was the starting point for a plan, a plan that will put you in a position to learn, develop, and be encouraged.  

So we will be reading 10 books over the next 10 months.  These books are all incredible resources and were carefully selected by Eddie and I to cover a broad range of spiritually development.  We will cover one book a month and I will blog about many important aspects of the books.  Then you will each be able to participate in your journey through the books via comments on the blog.  I will also be blogging intermittently on various topics that are on my heart.

The more you invest and put into your personal development, the more you will see out of it.  As you read, take time to really hear and understand how you can grow in that area.  Being able to participate in the blog will help you see how others are growing.  When you are finding unanswered questions, challenges or exciting breakthroughs- that is the time to process with the female leader you serve with.  This plan is not about checking off a list of books, it is about seeing transformed lives through seeking God and his will in our lives. 

Here is the list of books.  Many can be found in stores and almost all ordered off Amazon with the exception of April's book.  I will be posting the link to order it later in March.

March: Forgotten God by Francis Chan
April: The Plan of Your Life by Chris Stephens 
May: Making Your Children's Ministry the Best Hour of Every Kids' Week by Sue Miller & David Staal
June: The Four Seasons of Marriage by Gary Chapman 
July: Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster
August: 7 Pillars of Health- Don Colbert
September: Master Plan of Evangelism by Robert Coleman
October: Shepherding a Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp
November: Sun Stand Still by Steven Furtick
December: Bait of Satan by John Bever